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Questions and Answers
M: Rory, what kind of TV programs do you like?
R: Ones I can stream on demand. And, you know, the kind that you can have on in the background as sort of, well, background noise for lack of a better term.
M: What's your favorite TV program?
R: Well, I used to like science fiction programs. I don't have much time to watch TV right now, but science fiction definitely. And science fiction series in particular. I really like Star Trek. And if I had the time, I'd rewatch all of Star Trek. Star Trek Voyager in particular is my favorite.
M: Do you often watch programs on TV or on your cell phone?
R: Well, actually, I watch them on my smartphone. I really want a wide screen TV though, for my new apartment. But there's just not enough time to go and buy the thing and then pay to have it installed and put up on the wall on the support struts, I guess.
M: Do you like watching the same kind of program all the time?
R: Oh, definitely, yeah. I often play things to death, especially if they're funny things. Like it's not just TV programs, it's things like Vines, for example, or comedy specials. I really like watching the same things again and again till I'm like wordperfect and how the script goes.
M: Do you talk with your friends about the program you watched?
R: Um, not really, actually. I was thinking about this the other day. We have different tastes in just about everything in terms of the media that we consume. So if they asked me, I would tell them. But I don't just go to them and just come out with it completely from nothing.
M: In your country is it possible to watch any TV programs in English?
R: Well, yeah, I certainly hope so given that it's Scotland. If we talk about Russia, then I don't think it's possible to watch it on, well, non-satellite television. I think that you have to pay for like a cable package or something for that. But you can watch it on streaming services like Netflix, for example. You can watch things in English there, and you can pay for subtitles on videos like on YouTube. But I don't think that's like a TV service, is it? That's just like video on demand, really, for lack of a better term.
M: Do you often watch TV?
R: No, it's just one of these things. Like I said, I have it on in the background and that's not the TV, that's my phone. So it's just TV shows being streamed from my phone for me to listen to while I'm doing something like, oh, well, yesterday it was the ironing, for example.
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