Rory: Well, I didn’t used to, but now I do quite a great deal. It’s kind of ironic, actually, because I’m having quite a bad hair day to day, literally speaking. But normally I do care about my hair styles. I think appearance is quite important for yourself and for the people around you. The first impression that you make on someone with your appearance really matters. That makes a difference.
Maria: How often do you get your hair cut?
Rory: Well, ironically, for someone who cares about their hair so much, I get it cut rather irregularly. I suppose, I want to get it cut once a month, but in reality, just because of my workload, it’s usually every two months, actually.
Maria: Do you always have that kind of hair style?
Rory: What, you mean messy?
Maria: Yes.
Rory: No, it’s usually a lot nicer than this. I usually do something with my fringe. It’s been like that for years and years now. However, the quasi-side parting look that I’m going with now is the one that I like for now and indeed for the foreseeable future.
Maria: Was there a time that you felt disappointed in your hairstyle?
Rory: Actually, I feel disappointed with it quite often, but I think that’s just a feature of when you have a haircut. Usually when I get my hair cut, I look at it and I think it’s too short. But I know that over time it will grow in and then it will actually look how I intended it to. It’s just the intention of the barber or the hairdresser. That’s generally, but more specifically, there was a time when I shaved the sides of my head and I left my hair on top long and I looked quite ridiculous. So I was a bit disappointed with that hairstyle. It wasn’t a good decision.
Maria: Have you ever been given a haircut that you didn’t like?
Rory: Well, I just mentioned one there, I suppose. However, in addition to that, I also modeled ones. It’s not as glamorous as it sounds. I did it to help a friend who was becoming a hairdresser. But the way she cut my hair didn’t really add much to the outfit that she designed as well. So it was disappointing, but not seriously disappointing. It was just very strange.
Maria: How long have you had your hair in its current style?
Rory: Um, oh, about the last nine months. Actually, funnily enough, it’s been this way since I’ve been in a relationship. I think I put in a bit more effort with my appearance when I’m going out with someone. And I think people should want to look good for their partner. It’s quite important.
Maria: Do you like to go to the hairdressers or barbers?
Rory: Um, well, usually, actually, I go to a private hairdresser. A friend, and I share this person. They’re… Well, it’s a man, so I suppose you would say he’s a barber when he’s doing my hair, but he’s a hairdresser when he’s doing hers. Sometimes I’ll go to a salon. It’s a very specific one in Moscow for expats. And they’re lovely there. They’re they’re very welcoming. It’s a little bit more expensive, but you definitely get your money’s worth. And certainly I like being around the people there.
Maria: Would you like to change the color of your hair?
Rory: I occasionally wonder how I would look if I had blonde hair, but I don’t think it would really work well for me. And to be honest with you, I kind of like the salt and pepper look that I have. now. It it works for me.
Maria: Have you ever changed your hair color?
Rory: Yes, I dyed my hair black normally… well, up until about three years ago, actually. And and I dyed it blue once as well…
Maria: No way 🤯
Rory: Yes.
Maria: Like light blue or dark blue? Navy blue? Rory: Uh, kind of navyblue. I think the color was “midnight blue” or something like that. We all make silly mistakes when we’re 16 years old.
Maria: The whole head was blue?
Rory: My whole head was blue.
Maria: Wow. And did you just, like, sort of, one day, like, you wanted to hide this blue? You would wear a hat or something to hide this blue hair that you had?
Rory: No, no. At the time I liked it. But, you know, it’s, like, for everybody you look back on when you were younger and you realize that you made some really ridiculous decisions.
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