2020-09-05 15:17 Season 3

Holiday (S03E22)

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This episodeā€™s vocabulary

  • To go by smth (phrasal verb) ā€” to base an opinion, decision, or judgment on something.
  • Option (noun) ā€” one thing that can be chosen from a set of possibilities, or the freedom to make a choice.
  • Valid (adj.) ā€” that can be accepted as being true or reasonable.
  • To go up in smoke (idiom) ā€” Something that goes up in smoke fails to produce the result that was wanted or comes to no practical result at all.
  • Borders (noun) ā€” the line that divides one country from another.
  • Journey (noun) ā€” the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle.

We have also added these words to a ā€œQuizletā€ set for you to study and revise in your free time:


Questions and Answers

Maria: Rory, how often do you go on holiday?

Rory: Well, if your observation at the start of the podcast is anything to go by, not often enough! Iā€™d like to go on holiday more often, actually. And I think thatā€™s one of my goals for this coming year.

Maria: Do you like taking one long holiday or a couple of short ones?

Rory: I suppose probably the latter, because you can distribute your holidays throughout the year, whereas if you take one long one, then you donā€™t really have an excuse for taking any other ones, do you? Between now and I donā€™t like being away from my work or my routine for too long. I get a bit nervous. So I prefer not to take a long holiday

Maria: Yeahā€¦ You prefer controlling everythingā€¦

Rory: Well, I like everything to be orderly. Why? Why does it have to sound so bad? You make me sound like some kind of control freakā€¦ I just want everything nicely done.

Maria: Yeah. Because you donā€™t like being away from work for a long time, soā€¦

Rory: Yeah, but thatā€™s partially because I like my job, and the other thing is I like to make money, soā€¦

Maria: He is a workaholic! A workaholic šŸ˜¹ Do you prefer a holiday in a city or at the beach?

Rory: Itā€™s an interesting question because I think for me both options are equally valid. I guess it depends on more who Iā€™m with. So if Iā€™m with someone that likes going to the city, then weā€™ll go there, and about with somebody that likes going to the seaside. Then weā€™ll go there, for example. But weā€™ve Iā€™ve gone to a lot of cities recently, I suppose, so maybe a seaside holiday is whatā€™s called for just now.

Maria: When did you last go on holiday?

Rory: Um, that would have been at New Year. Iā€™ve been working since then. I was going to have a holiday in May. I was just going to go back home to Scotland for a little while. But that, sort of, went up in smoke with the virus crisis.

Maria: When will be your next holiday?

Rory: Thatā€™s a good question, I thinkā€¦ I think itā€™s likely to be in December because it looks like the borders wonā€™t be open until then, at the very least. And then, of course, if Iā€™m working, then I can just go and leave the students. So I think itā€™s probably going to be the Christmas holidays, actually.

Maria: Why donā€™t you just take a holiday somewhere in Russia?

Rory: Well, right now Iā€™ve got nobody to go withā€¦ And I suppose itā€™s better to focus on being productive right now. And the other thing is, like I say, Iā€™ve got to focus on being productive and Iā€™ve got toā€¦ Well, I canā€™t just leave work, can I?

Maria: No, you canā€™t! You should stay and work. Slave away night and day. Whatā€™s the best
holiday youā€™ve ever had?

Rory: Well, up until recently, I thought last Christmas was my best holiday. I got to see a lot of my friends and family. And I got to introduce myā€¦ Well, I got to introduce my former partner to my family. So that was fun. And we had a really nice time. We did lots of different activities. So that was the best holiday. Hopefully thereā€™ll be more like that in the future.

Maria: Sweet. Do you go on holiday alone or with someone?

Rory: My last few holidays Iā€™ve beenā€¦ Well, actually, no, my last few holidays, Iā€™ve made the journey alone. But when I was actually on the holiday itself, I was with someone and we met people while we were there. Generally, I think whether itā€™s for the holiday itself or when youā€™re making the journey, itā€™s nicer being with someone, you can chat to them and enjoy yourselves.


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