This time Maria and Rory talk about Jessie Pinkman's field of expertise - SCIENCE! Why do planets go around the sun? Do all sciences end with "_ology"? Is a tomato a fruit, a vegetable, a cherry, or a berry?
Tangential (adj.) — hardly touching a matter; peripheral.
Syllabus (noun) — the subjects in a course of study or teaching.
Superfluous (adj.) - unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
Thorough (adj.) — complete with regard to every detail; not superficial or partial.
Inquiring (adj.) — showing an interest in learning new things.
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Questions and answers
Maria: Rory, do you like science?
Rory: Oh, absolutely. It gives answers to all the unanswered questions. Medical science saves lives. And I think generally it gives all these people or scientists a sense of meaning in their lives.
Maria: Did you learn about science in primary school?
Rory: Kind of. Although in my opinion, it was a bit tangential to the actual main syllabus and it didn't get really serious until high school. Then we had like classes for biology, chemistry, physics.
Maria: Did you have science classes at school?
Rory: Well, yeah. Like I said, we had the primary school and then we had them at high school. I suppose in addition to the sort of almost superfluous primary school education, the high school education was a bit more thorough. So, like like I was saying, we had biology and chemistry and physics classes. I didn't actually like it at the time. I kind of regret it now, though. I feel like I have a more inquiring mind now.
Maria: How often do you read about science?
Rory: I used to read more about it than I do know. And I suppose the closest I get is reading linguistics and methodology texts. But I would like to read more. I have a book called Bad Science, which is by a British journalist I want to read. So that's going to give me a good head start, I think.
Maria: Do you think it's important to study science?
Rory: Oh, definitely. Like, as I mentioned at the very beginning, it gives people the answers to their questions. It saves lives and provides meaning to people. I think it's absolutely essential.
Maria: And should children study science?
Rory: They should study it better than I did, I think.
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