M: Hey! So noise. Are there any synonyms to noise? Because we say noises, I dislike noise, noisy places.
R: There are plenty of synonyms.
M: Because we use specific words to name specific noises and sounds, dear listener. And this topic, you show off your super vocabulary using specific precise words for specific sounds. Okay? Some noises bother me. They are annoying. Like I'm annoyed when I hear something, right? Or this is really annoying. So we usually say it bothers me, annoying noises, I hate repetitive high-pitched. HIGH PITCHED. Like this. Yeah? So low-pitched and high-pitched. Repetitive like they repeat over and over again. I hate alarm clocks. And do you remember this noise?
R: The slurping noise.
M: So I dislike slurping sounds or I dislike slurping noises. Or slurping noises are really annoying, dear listener, okay. Also, Rory told us shrieking seagulls. Seagulls? Like birds. They're like high-pitched noises. And seagulls shriek. So you can say that I find shrieking seagulls really annoying. Or the noise is horrendous. Horrendous is like horrible, terrible, horrendous. Oh, slurping sounds are horrendous.
R: Sorry.
M: Also you can say that I dislike whining babies or whining children. Rory, who are they?
R: I dislike whining people, to be honest. But that's like, that's when people complain. Or whinging, that's another one. But of these things describe noises or the kind of talk which is extremely irritating.
M: I dislike dogs barking. I dislike dogs who are barking. Yeah? Or... Ooh, fingernails on a blackboard. You know, there are some noises which make you just... Like fingernails on a board. Like... What about you, Rory? Like, what... Do you have any feelings? Like... For certain sounds.
R: Not for sounds. Not unless it's like, right next to me. In which case then I get goosebumps like you're describing. That's the feeling of the rising dots on your skin.
M: What about a fork and a knife rubbed against a plate?
R: Oh, that's horrible. But how often does that happen?
M: Not often, no. But, dear listener, you can use these nice words, right? For example, like a fork rubbed against like a plate or a knife rubbed against a glass bottle. Or like clicking pens for example. You just dislike these sounds. Annoying mobile ringtones. Snoring, dear listener. Huh?
R: t depends what kind of snoring. If it's gentle snoring then it's not so bad. But if it's like a fog horn then no, absolutely not.
M: Yeah, but very often like chewing sounds, sobbing sounds and like wet smacking sounds. Like... When somebody eats something very noisily. To eat noisily. Okay? With open mouth chewing.
R: Sorry.