Have you ever lost anything? What should people do to find what they lost? Have you ever found anything? What should people do if they find something? Is it ok to keep the thing you found?
To be prone to sth/do sth - likely to show a particular characteristic, usually a negative one, or to be affected by something bad, such as damage or an illness.
To misplace (verb) - to lose something temporarily by forgetting where you have put it.
Reminder (noun) - a written or spoken message that reminds someone to do something.
To retrace (verb) - to go back over something, for example a path or a series of past actions.
In your mind's eye - in your imagination or memory.
Lose track (of sth) - to stop keeping a record of something, or stop being certain that you know or remember what has happened.
Notice (noun) - (a board, piece of paper, etc. containing) information or instructions.
Moderately (adverb) - in a way that is neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength.
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Questions and answers
M: Have you ever lost anything?
R: Hasn't everyone? I wouldn't say I was prone to misplacing things. But it happens from time to time.
M: What do you usually lose?
R: I sometimes struggle to find my earbuds or my flash drive. Since both of these things are quite small. That's especially true when I work in a new place and I leave things lying around. Sometimes I have to set reminders on my phone to tell me where they are actually. What should people do to find what they lost? Well, like I said, maybe setting reminders in advance of the realization would be a good thing. But I think most people, like retrace their steps through the day and try to work out where they were, when they put whatever it was they lost down. If they can't do that, then they try to do something similar in their mind's eye.
M: Have you ever found anything?
R: Not in a while, but I have before. I think the most recent one was I came across someone's change that they'd left behind without realizing. So I left that with the receptionist at the gym that I was in. And hopefully they returned it to the right person.
M: What things do people usually find?
R: I've never really asked, to be honest. Keys and phones are probably the most common since they're so widely used. And they're small enough that you could lose track of them. But then again, I've seen people forget where they left their car before as well.
M: What should people do, if they find something?
R: Try to return it, of course. If that's not possible, then you can usually hand it to someone who can help, like the police or, or you could put up a notice to show that you found it.
M: Is it okay to keep the thing of the person you found?
R: Well, you keep it safe, obviously. But you should always try to give it back. If it's relatively inexpensive or not very valuable, like a lighter than I think it's moderately socially acceptable to keep it. I used to come back from a few nights out with like, several lighters, and no one ever bothered me about it.
M: Yet. Maybe once they will call you and will tell you like Rory by the way 20 years ago, you know.
R: I don't think anyone's going to be annoyed with me for a lighter that I took. Well, not 20 years ago, then I would have been 12.
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