Where’s your favourite place to sit? Do you like to sit on the sofa or on a chair? Do you always sit down for a long time? Do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down? Can you fall asleep while sitting on a chair? When you were a kid, did you usually sit on the floor?
  • Decking (noun) - a floor outside made of wood, or the long pieces of wood used to make this floor.
  • Padded (adj.) - containing or consisting of a shaped piece of soft material, either for comfort or to give something a particular shape.
  • Form-fitting (adj.) - used to describe clothes that fit closely to your body.
  • Recliner (noun) - a chair in which you can lean back at different angles.
  • Posture (noun) - the way in which someone usually holds their shoulders, neck, and back, or a particular position in which someone stands, sits, etc.
  • Salient (adj.) - most noticeable or important.
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M: Where's your favorite place to sit?

R: I think that depends a lot on the weather. If it's a good day, then outside on the decking in the sunshine is quite relaxing. Otherwise, probably on the couch in the living room, I can put my feet up there and read or work quite comfortably.

M: Do you like to sit on the sofa or on a chair?

R: Well, that really is dependent on the chair. If it's one of those cheap sort of flimsy plastic ones, then it's probably not going to do my back any favors. But if it's like a padded or a form-fitting chair, or even a recliner, then I could probably spend hours on them. The same goes for coaches.

M: Do you always sit down for a long time?

R: Never really thought about it, to be honest. I suppose I do. Or at least I suppose I must do since I either work from home or sit and observe at school. And my posture is terrible. So that's a sign you've been sitting for far too long, isn't it?

M: Do you feel sleepy when you're sitting down?

R: Not usually, actually. That's more if I'm lying down. The only exception is on planes. I just can't stay awake for more than a couple of hours when I'm on one, which is really uncomfortable, since you're usually sitting up as well.

M: Can you fall asleep while sitting on a chair?

R: Well, when I'm in a plane, I'm usually out for the count after the first few hours. Otherwise, not really. If I'm lying down on a couch, then it's certainly possible. Especially after a long day.

M: When you were a kid, did you usually sit on the floor?
R: Um, it wasn't really a salient feature of my childhood. So I couldn't say for certain, to be honest. I think we had enough chairs for everyone most of the time. But if the occasion called for it, then it would usually be the young people sitting on the floor if need be. Yes.
M: Oh, boy. Yeah, I know. I know, dear listener. It's quite like "come on, really?". Ah, man. Okay. Anyway, sitting. So we are going to be talking about where to sit, how to sit and use specific words. Any other collocations that we usually use about, I don't know, sit, sit down?

R: Reclining, slouching. Although you can stand up and slouch, can't you?

M: Okay, okay, what does it mean? Recline?

R: That's like to sit back. Oh, actually, I suppose sit back is another one, isn't it? It's like when you sit back comfortably. Behold my reclining.

M: So sit back. When I crouch you said, right?

R: Slouch.

M: Slouch.

R: Slouching is, it's not to do with sitting. It's more like a body posture, to be honest. It's like when you have your shoulders forward like this.

M: So it's kind of like like this, right?

R: It's like it's not a good position to have, you should always like, sit up straight, shoulders back. Which is what I'm never doing. I appreciate people are looking at this video thinking why is he talking about having a good posture when he clearly doesn't have one. But there we go. Maria is showing us how to do it by putting a book on her head. I would do that. But I'm currently using my books as a stand for my microphone. So that is why I'm not doing this.

M: So ideally, you should sit like this, right? And because this is good for your posture. Posture.

R: Posture, posture.

M: Posture, yeah. For the posture. Because if you kind of slouch or if you do like this, yeah, this is not good. For your spine. Yeah? For your back.

R: It's not good for your anything. It's like bad for your breathing and probably your body doesn't look very good after your spine has been crunched forward all the time.

M: Oh, Rory, do you know some people enjoy putting their legs like this?

R: Like what?

M: No, like can you see?

R: I can't see anything. What you are doing something ridiculous with your legs? Okay, what are you doing with them?

M: But like this, like I'm sitting down and my leg is here. So what would you call this?

R: Oh, some, I don't know. I guess it's almost like squatting on a chair. But it's not really.

M: Put your legs on the chair?

R: I guess so. Or put your feet on the chair. But really, you shouldn't do that. It's probably not very good for you. In the same way some people sit with their, with their foot tucked underneath them. I do that sometimes. But that's just called sitting with your foot tucked underneath you. I don't think there's a very technical term for that.

M: So I usually see to with my foot, tucked, you said, right?

R: Tucked under me or...

M: Tucked under. So you put your foot and then you tuck your foot under the other.

R: No, you just tuck your foot under your behind.

M: Right. There we go. And then that was your favorite place to sit? Well, in cave.

R: I was gonna say like. I would like to sit in a bank surrounded by money. So I could take it all but...
M: Oh, yeah. So you can say that I prefer sitting outside in the sunshine. Yeah, or inside, on the couch. So couch is like a sofa in the living room. And you can say I can put my feet up, put my feet up while sitting on a sofa. And then do you prefer to sit on the sofa or on a chair? So for the sofa, you can say like sofa or a couch right? But which vocabulary did you use about a chair? Rory used band nine vocabulary.

R: Well, I just, I basically said, it depends on what kinds of things they are. So for example, well, cheap is not band nine. But flimsy just means that it moves, like it's very flexible, too flexible. It feels like it's not very solid, and plastic, again, not bad time, but flimsy is good. And then there was this expression, it's not going to do my back any favors. So if something doesn't do something any favors, it just means it's not good for it. Then, we talked about padded chairs or form fitting chairs. So a padded chair has padding, so it's comfortable. And form fitting means it fits the shape of your body. I think you need to have a lot of money to afford one of those. And then we talked about a recliner. But we've talked about reclining already. And a recliner is just a chair that the back goes back and the leg supports come up. So you can lie back in them more comfortably.

M: Yeah, dear listener. So you see, here, we do need to use specific vocabulary about a type of chair you prefer, right? That's why for example, you can go to a furniture store. IKEA. Find a chair you would like to have in the future, your ideal chair, read the description, right out maybe three or four words. And Bob's your uncle. You'll have specific vocabulary about a chair or a sofa that you prefer. Alright? But now, Rory, where are you sitting now? Could you describe a chair?

R: I am sitting in a very, very old leather chair, I guess? Or at least maybe it's fall leather. So that means it's not really real leather, but it's very old because it's falling to pieces. And the only reason I have it is because it's comfortable.

M: How would you describe my chair? Let me show it to you.

R: Oh, it's an office chair.

M: Yeah.

R: Or a swivel chair. You can spin around on it.

M: Yes, you can. So swivel. You can call it a swivel. Swivel chair. You see, yeah, this is what we want. To tell the examiner about a specific chair or an armchair.

R: I should say. I never actually really did answer that question, though. Because it was just like, it depends. What a silly question to ask, like... What if your choices are like a nice padded couch or a chair that's made of nails? Like, what's, the choice is fairly obvious, but there's so many different kinds of chairs and couches.

M: Well, then you should speak about them. Your favorite couch.

R: My favorite type couch. A topic that I have definitely given a great deal of consideration to.

M: Then we can enjoy sitting down for a long time. Some people prefer standing up from time, but maybe you are a person who enjoys sitting down for a long time. You can be sitting down on the floor, or on a table, on a desk.

R: More people should stand up, I think. Actually, to be honest with you, I'm getting a standing desk. I'm sick of sitting down. So then maybe the next time you see me on video. Well, maybe not the next time but like one time you see me on video, I'll be standing up.

M: But then for example, you can say that it's really difficult for me to sit down for a long time. And Rory, you talked about planes. I think this is like a good strategy to talk about planes. Because yeah, like we have to sit on planes. On planes. For a very long time. And I can't stay awake. I usually fall asleep very soon on planes.

R: It's a very uncomfortable experience. I don't like it.

M: What? Flying?

R: Like sitting in a plane for a really long time.
M: Well, if it's not like the first class or business class.

R: Even then. Like people talk about business class and first class all the time, but it's not that or at least based on my experience, it's not that radically different to just regular economy, to be honest.

M: Oh, really.

R: I'd still rather just sit on a train. The train is much more relaxing. There's less, well, there are fewer searches involved, I should say.

M: So sit on on a train, sit on a plane. But what about a chair? Do I sit on a chair or I sit in a chair.

R: Both.

M: But sit on a sofa.

R: I don't really think it makes a huge difference, to be honest. You definitely sit on a sofa. But you can sit on a chair or sit in a chair. I suppose, if we had to think about the difference between the two, then it would be something like, you sit on a chair when there's nothing around you. But some chairs have these armrests on them. So you're sitting in an enclosed space. So that's probably the big difference. But really, who has the time to think about that and how many possible things could be miscommunicated that way, so don't worry too much about your prepositions there.

M: And then you can say if I'm lying down, so you don't like always sit, you can lie down. So if I'm lying down, then it's much more comfortable, for example. And then, when you were a kid, you can say I used to sit on the floor quite often. And Rory said that it wasn't really a salient feature of my childhood.

R: Yeah.

M: What did you mean by salient?

R: I was just being quite sarcastic. It just means that it didn't stick out, to be honest with you. Who remembers? I would like someone to say in the comments, if they do. Who remembers sitting on the floor as a child compared to everything else that you did? Like, people remember climbing trees or falling over and breaking something. You don't remember where you were sitting?

M: Yeah. So, dear listener, you say like, okay, all right. I just don't remember.

R: Shall we talk about grammar?

M: Yes. Tell us. The only thing I really wanted to draw attention to was when we were talking about do you always sit down for a long time. And I said, I suppose I must do. So again, just drawing, like must for something that is definitely the case. And due to emphasize the action, instead of just saying, or repeating the action, again, in the sentence. Oh, the other thing for talking about, this isn't grammar, it's grammar and vocabulary, then we also had to put your feet up. If you're asked about sitting, you can also say I like to sit down and put my feet up, which is like when you rest your feet by elevating them.

M: But you don't put your feet on the chair. You just put them on the table. Right?

R: You can, you can put them on the table. Some people have footstools, which is very posh. That's special stool for feet only.

M: Oh... Yeah, so you sit in a comfy armchair, and then you have a footstool. Nice.

R: It's very old fashioned, though.

M: So, dear listener, where's your favorite place to sit? Maybe in front of the TV or in front of your laptop listening and watching to our podcast.

R: And please feel free to share your sitting stories as a child. I don't think there will many, but I'll be very interested to see that. I think we've sat on this topic for long enough, don't you?

M: Yes. Thank you very much for watching! Please subscribe, share our videos, put a like button and let us know about your sitting stories. The transcripts you can find in the description to this video. So do check it out!

R: And we'll see you next time!

M: Bye!

R: Bye!
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