M: Dear listener, if you know where Rory lives in Scotland, you also know that he leaves his door open.
R: Yeah, well, only when I'm at the shop. It takes five minutes. I'm not going to like be gone for a very long time and be like oo-hoo, let's leave the door open and have a free for all.
M: Dear listener, you have five minutes to access Rory's house.
R: Also I would like to point out, I have nothing worth stealing. So there you go. Every valuable thing I own is tattooed on me. So good luck trying to get hold of that. But why would anybody break into my house? I own nothing. I own a computer that's a million years old and is missing its battery, which anybody who follows me on Instagram will know the story about.
M: Aw... Our humble Rory. Aw... So sweet.
R: The only thing you could steal is my heart.
M: Aw... Cute.
R: Anyway, back to lock and key.
M: We bring keys or we carry keys with us. So Rory told us about the keys he carries with him. So I carry a lot of keys.
R: How many keys do you have? I'm looking between the camera and here.
M: Okay, I have 1, 2, 3, 4. Yeah, only 4.
R: What are they for? Why do you have 4 keys? What do you need that for?
M: Yeah, my house, my house and the entrance door to my house. So two houses.
R: Wait, what? Okay, so you've got two keys for two houses? That makes sense.
M: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And one key for the entrance.
R: Oh, hold up the black thing you've got. That's a what I would call a fob. Which is like a kind of, at least I call it a fob. I don't know what other people would call it. It's like a, it's a, I don't know, an electronic key, I guess?
M: It's a magnetic key.
R: Hey, there we go. Yeah.
M: Yeah, it's a magnetic key. So you just go like... And it opens up, you know? Right. And, dear listener, you can talk about different kinds of keys. So I use a card key or a key card. Yeah, we usually say a key card, like a card. And then like a key for my front door, like a key for something. You can also have a key ring. And you can say I carry a bunch of keys with me. So a bunch of keys, like some keys for different locks. Also, we have keys for locks, like locks, you know, this thing that we lock. And you can impress the examiner by talking about different types of keys, magnetic keys, smart car keys. If you drive a car, you might have a smart car key. And also, Rory, do you know what a double-sided key is?