What public holidays do you celebrate in your country? Which public holiday do you like the most? What do you do during public holidays?
To compensate (verb) - reduce or counteract (something unwelcome or unpleasant) by exerting an opposite force or effect.
Urge (noun) - a strong desire or impulse.
Leathered (adj.) - extremely drunk.
To decompress (verb) - calm down and relax.
To recharge (verb) - to regain one's strength and energy by resting for a time.
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Questions and answers
Maria: Rory, what public holidays do you celebrate in your country?
Rory: I think there are more public holidays in Scotland and England, actually, since if I'm correct, I think each region in Scotland sets its own holidays. I think that's how it works. But the main ones are obviously Christmas and New Year. We call New Year Hogmanay. And then we have Saint Andrew's Day, which is like the day for our national saint, our patron saint. May Day, which you have in Russia also. In January, we have Burn's night when we celebrate I think we celebrate the birth of our national poet, Robert Burns. I'm sure it's his birthday. And then we have something called the Tattie holidays, which is well, it's a break in about October time where people used to go and pick potatoes. It sounds strange, but it makes sense in context.
Maria: which public holiday do you like the most?
Rory: When I was younger, I used to like the Tattie holidays when we got a break from school late in the calendar year. But now I'm all about Christmas. I love the idea of being together with my family and sharing that time together. Um, it's a shame it won't happen this year, but I'm compensating with a combination of online conferencing and face to face well-wishing with friends.
Maria: What do you do during public holidays?
Rory: Well, unless it's Christmas, I'm usually chilling out and forgetting the world exists and resisting the urge to go out and get absolutely leathered. I think it's important to have time to relax well. And like when I say relax well, I mean actually relax, not do things like people do things in public holidays and sometimes they shouldn't. They should just chill.
Maria: Do you think these holidays are important?
Rory: Oh, absolutely. I mean, like I said, people need time off to decompress and let themselves recharge after long periods of consistent work. Sometimes weekends just aren't enough. And you need a real break from the grind. And public holidays enabled us.
Maria: Do you think there should be more public holidays in your country?
Rory: Um, it's a good question. I think we have enough. But people should use them more effectively to relax, distress and reconnect with themselves rather than fill their lives with more things. So, we should use what we have.
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