Have you been to a new place recently? How often do you go to new places? Have you ever moved into a new place or a new home? Why is living in the same place for a long time not good?
To stick out (phrasal verb) - to be very easy to notice.
A recipe for sth. (phrase) - an idea, situation, or method that is likely to result in something.
Adventurous (adj.) - willing to try new or difficult things.
Habit (noun) - something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it.
Call for sth. (phrasal verb) - to need or deserve a particular action, remark, or quality.
Prior to sth. - before a particular time or event.
Travel light - to bring very few things with you when you go somewhere.
To crave (verb) - to have a very strong feeling of wanting something.
Novelty (noun) - the quality of being new and unusual.
Extrovert (noun) - an energetic person who enjoys being with other people.
To thrive (verb) - to grow, develop, or be successful.
Detrimental (adj.) - causing harm or damage.
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Questions and answers
M: Have you been to a new place recently?
R: Oh, too many to count, now I think about it. But the one that sticks out most would be the school I had to work out for my placement. It's only a few minutes up the road. But I'd never been there up until about six weeks ago. It was great. The students and staff are fantastic.
M: Do you prefer visiting new places or going to the ones you know?
R: Well, I suppose it depends on the company I'm keeping, really. If I'm with people I know in a place where comfortable, then that seems like a recipe for success. On the other hand, if I were, I don't know, in a more adventurous mood, I think going to a new place by myself might be quite fun.
M: How often do you go to new places?
R: Well, for the last 10 years it seems like that has happened literally every other day. Recently, though, since I moved back to my hometown, I haven't made a habit of it unless there's occasion called for it. I think that's true for many people, since there's like the whole global pandemic thing on right now.
M: Have you ever moved into a new place or a new home?
R: Oh, all the time. Like I say, especially over the last few years. I think I've moved house every year for the past seven years or something like that. Most recently back to my hometown in Dundee. Prior to that, I moved regularly as, well, my job changed around in Moscow. So I was just moving to different parts of the city.
M: How did you feel about moving?
R: Completely fine. I travel light, so I don't have a lot of things to pack. And usually it can all be moved in one go. So there's no stress there. Usually, I was quite keen to get to know a new part of town if it was Moscow, or a new part of the country if it was a place like Timor where we moved around a lot.
M: Why is living in the same place for a long time not good?
R: Well, I imagine that depends on your personality. But let's assume you're someone who, I don't know, cravesnovelty, and is an extrovert who thrives on conversations with new people, then you would probably prefer to live, well, in different places. But if you're the opposite of that, then I can see how it would be quite detrimental for you.
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