Tune in to hear Rory's sweet answers, find out about the most popular dessert (or desert?) in Scotland and whether Rory is a good cook (or cooker?).
Perhaps (adv.) — used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true.
To have a sweet tooth (v.) — If you have a sweet tooth, you like eating sweet foods, especially sweets and chocolate.
Self-control (e.g. to exercise self control) (n.) — the ability to control your behavior and not show strong emotions such as anger or sadness.
To hover (v.) — if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it keeps itself in the same position in the air.
Urge (e.g. to have an urge) (n.) — an impulse that prompts action or effort.
Sponge cake (n.) — a very light type of cake made with flour, eggs, and sugar.
Sticky toffee pudding (n.) — is an English dessert consisting of a very moist sponge cake, covered in a toffee sauce and often served with a vanilla custard or vanilla ice-cream.
To gather (v.) — if people gather, or if someone gathers them, they come together in one place to see or do something.
Gathering (n.) — a group of people meeting together.
Dessert (n.) — sweet food that you eat after the main part of a meal.
A piece of cake (idiom) — something that is very easy.
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Questions and answers
Maria: Rory, do you like cakes?
Rory: Yes, actually, I like them perhaps a bit too much. I really need to improve my diet. To be honest with you.
Maria: So you do have a sweet tooth?
Rory: Oh, for sure. I think everybody does.
Maria: Have you ever baked a cake?
Rory: Yes, once with my mom. Not since. I’m as terrible a cook as I am a baker, as it happens.
Maria: How often do you eat cakes?
Rory: I don’t know. I suppose whenever they are present, I try not to buy them because I suppose I have a bit of a self-control issue when it comes to cakes and sweet things. But whenever they’re at a party or something like that, then I’ll definitely be eating the cake. I’ll be hovering around it.
Maria: Do you like having desserts?
Rory: I don’t think I like it as much as I did when I was younger, actually. I suppose just because I’ve been able to develop some self-control. I think when you’re younger, you find it more difficult to control your urges to eat things. But if I do eat them now then I have them at the end of a meal, I feel like that’s the logical course of, well, courses ( In dining, a course is a specific set of food items that are served together during a meal).
Maria: Are cakes popular in your country?
Rory: Well, I think if you look at the size of some of the people who live there, you could definitely say they’re popular and people definitely need to, or some people need to exercise some self-control in that respect. But seriously, I don’t think they’re any popular or any less popular or more popular than anywhere else. I think the same proportion of people like them.
Maria: What desserts are popular in your country?
Rory: It’s a good question, really. I think nothing that isn’t popular elsewhere. So people have like, just the normal sponge cakes, they have ice cream. I suppose one thing that might be particularly popular is sticky toffee pudding. That’s something that seems to be quite a popular dish at weddings or parties when people have large gatherings. But other than that, I think that everything else is pretty normal, to be honest.
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