M: Is a real puzzle. It's really puzzling, puzzling. Right, and you can say that puzzles are more suitable for older people or the elderly, or, you know, young people, right? Are there any puzzles, maybe like apps with puzzles?
R: There are. And I have, I, oh, I'm really annoyed now that you've asked me this question, because I have some on my phone. But I've completely forgotten what they're called. I suppose the closest thing I have is like chess. But that's not really a puzzle that's more like a game that you play with a computer. Or at least in the case of what I've got on my phone. What other puzzles can you have? Murdle is a puzzle. You could probably get jigsaw puzzle apps on your phone, I'm sure.
M: Really? Oh, wow. Maybe online crosswords?
R: Yeah.
M: And you mentioned like paper-based puzzles. So we have like, word-based puzzles, paper-based, like on paper crossword. Or you can also talk about, I don't know, apps that you have on your phone with puzzles.
R: Yeah.
M: If you do. And you mentioned this wordles.
R: Wordles. I know, I mentioned them, but the only reason I mentioned them is because people post them all the time. I actually, that was one of the, that was another phrasal verb that we used, putting up or, meaning putting up on social media, or posting on social media. So they're always putting them up there. And I can see them, it's like the the green squares and the yellow squares. And I think some of them are orange. And I don't really know how it works. But the idea is that you have to solve or work out which word is in the puzzle based on these things that they have in common with other words. And somehow this is wildly popular. I don't understand wordle. But it's an example of a puzzle. And you could say, it's an example of a puzzling puzzle, because I have no idea how it works. Sorry. That's my really bad explanation of why I picked wordle for that, because I don't know what it is. It's a puzzle for me.
M: It's a puzzling puzzle. Can we really say it's a puzzling puzzle?
R: Well, you could as a joke, and then laugh, and then the examiner looks at you like you're crazy. But they would, like, if you're laughing at the joke about the language, then it's probably a good sign that you have good control over it. Or you just have no life like me.
M: So if you decide to play with words, you can do this. But make sure that kind of the examiner is with you. And they understand that you are making a joke. Oh, I was puzzled by a puzzle. You know. If you kind of are not comfortable with it, just don't do it. Yeah, because it's very strange. I was puzzled by a puzzling puzzle.
R: I'll start making jokes, I promise.
M: Okay, okay, if I enjoy jigsaw puzzles, Rory. So let's imagine that you have this jigsaw puzzle with a photo of me or with a photo of us together. Right? So a jigsaw puzzle. What do you call this little thingy? Like "woowoowoo" this.