How do you feel about advertisements? Is there much advertising in your country? What do you think is the purpose of advertising?
Billboard (noun) - a very large board on which advertisements are shown, especially at the side of a road.
Viral marketing (noun) - a marketing activity in which information about a product spreads between people, especially on the internet.
Cookie (noun) - a piece of information stored on your computer about internet documents that you have looked at.
Tailor-made (adj.) - specially made for a particular purpose.
Branded (adj.) - made by a particular company and sold under a particular name.
Slogans (noun) - a short easily remembered phrase, especially one used to advertise an idea or a product.
In a nutshell - very briefly, giving only the main points.
Word-of-mouth (adj.) - given or done by people talking about something or telling people about something.
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Questions and answers
M: Rory, what advertisements do you watch?
R: I don't. I try and skip them as soon as they come on. Unless it's a trailer for a game or a book or a movie I'd like to see, or an ad on this podcast. Those are usually quite entertaining, aren't they?
M: Do you watch them from the beginning to the end?
R: Oh, only if they're interesting, or if I can't reach the skip option in time. I sometimes have YouTube on while I work out and it's difficult to do crunches and reach over at the same time. So I just had to put up with them until they're done, or I am.
M: How do you feel about advertisements?
R: Well, usually I think ads are just a way of getting people to dislike your product before they even look at it. However, some ads are quite brilliant and funny. Like the iron brew adverts, for example. They usually have a story or a joke, which has great music too match the visuals.
M: What advertising do you have in your country?
R: Oh, it's everywhere. We have billboards, and posters, and viral marketing, and YouTube ads inserted into videos and ads and the breaks on TV shows. I think the only recipe is on the BBC and even they have them for their programs.
M: Is there much advertising in your country?
R: Well, I think it's everywhere, isn't it? And it's rather sophisticated at that. Especially online where your cookies are used to track what you look at and they send you almost tailor-made adverts, don't they?
M: Where can we see advertisement?
R: It's probably easier to say where you can't see advertising, frankly speaking. It's all over social media. And, well, any online media, newspapers, TV, some people even get paid to be branded with tattoos or wear goods with advertising slogans. That's a bit depressing.
M: What do you think is the purpose of advertising?
R: In a nutshell, to make money it's all about getting attention and getting customers to buy your good or service. There are some adverts for social services but PSA is like that aren't usually classed as adverts and they're very few and far between.
M: Have you ever bought anything because of adverts?
R: Not directly. It's usually been word of mouth to be honest. So maybe that's indirect advertising of the kind but nothing like what we discussed already.
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