Do you like amusement parks? When was the last time you went there and what did you do? Are there many amusement parks where you live?
Amusement park (noun) - a place where people can go to enjoy games, rides, and other activities.
To loathe (verb) - to hate someone or something.
Bookworm (noun) - a person who reads a lot.
Artificial (adj.) - made by people, often as a copy of something natural.
Claustrophobic (adj.) - used to refer to a person suffering from a fear of being in closed spaces.
Rollercoaster (noun) - a small railroad, esp. in an amusement park, with open cars that travel quickly along a steep, curved track that goes up and down over and over.
Ride (noun) - a machine in an amusement park that people travel in or are moved around by for entertainment.
Vicariously (adverb) - in a vicarious way (= experienced through the activities of other people, rather than by doing something yourself).
To dodge (verb) - to avoid something unpleasant.
Fairground (noun) - a large outside area used for public events.
Overstimulation (noun) - the fact of being made too excited or interested in something, or a situation in which someone feels like this.
Fair (noun) - an outside event where you can ride on large machines for pleasure and play games to win prizes.
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M: Roro, do you like amusement parks?
R: If I'm honest, not really. I remember going to Disneyland as a preteen and absolutely loathing it. Partially because I was a bit of a bookworm. But more so I found it really artificial and claustrophobic with all the crowds and everything. So it's not really my thing at all.
M: How often do you go to amusement parks?
R: Well, these days almost never. In fact, I don't think I've been anywhere near one since, well, since the time I described you there. Um, I'd need to think about it in more depth probably.
M: When was the last time you went there and what did you do?
R: Well, now that I think about it after that experience in Disneyland, I wasn't overly keen to have another outing to an amusement park. But I think there was one since then, I think the last time I was even close to somewhere remotely like it was when I went to this place in Spain with a bunch of rollercoasters in the usual, I don't know, amusement park fair. I wasn't very taken with it then either. To be honest.
M: What do you usually do at an amusement park?
R: Moan about it and want to leave. If you mean what people do generally, though, they go on the rides and live vicariously through others, if you're an adult, watching your kids, or they try and dodge the crowds. It's a shame I find it's such a downer, actually, because there, there's more to fairgrounds than just rollercoasters and crowds. Like the VR simulators look good as do those sort of lighter rides. It's maybe just the overstimulation that does me in, to be honest.
M: Are there many amusement parks where you live?
R: Um, I think there are a few traveling fairs and circuses, but nothing sort of on the scale of Disneyland. And the closest thing might be the big wheel in the middle of Edinburgh. And I think that would be maybe stretching the definition of amusement park from where I stand.
M: Do you think you'll go to an amusement park soon?
R: Ah, that is highly unlikely. Like I said, I'm not a great fan of them.
M: Thank you, Rory, for your jolly answers.
R: Sorry, I'm a bit of a downer on this subject.
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