What colours do you like to wear? Do people in your country like to wear bright colours? What colours would you never use in your home? Do you think colours influence you?
Shade (noun) - a type or degree of a colour.
Hue (noun) - (a degree of lightness, darkness, strength, etc. of) a colour.
Tint (noun) - a small amount of a colour.
Tone (noun) - a form or degree of a colour.
Take a ... turn - to develop in a particular way.
Primary colour (noun) - one of the three colours, red, yellow, and blue, that can be mixed together in different ways to make any other colour.
Texture (noun) - the quality of something that can be decided by touch; the degree to which something is rough or smooth, or soft or hard.
Grasp (noun) - understanding.
To embellish (verb) - to make something more beautiful by adding something to it.
Emblem (noun) - a picture of an object that is used to represent a particular person, group, or idea.
Tartan (noun) - a pattern of different coloured straight lines crossing each other at 90-degree angles, or a cloth with this pattern.
Spectrum (noun) - the set of colours into which a beam of light can be separated, or a range of waves, such as light waves or radio waves.
Tertiary (adj.) - relating to a third level or stage.
Luminescent (adj.) - seeming to shine.
Décor (noun) - the colour, style, and arrangement of the objects in a room.
Tranquil (adj.) - calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, worry, etc.
Polaropposites - complete opposites.
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Questions and answers
M: What colours do you like to wear?
R: Oh, think I always prefer shades of red and blue hues, really. Never any tints, to be honest. I wonder if that's a reflection of my personality?
M: What colour do you friends like?
R: I can't say I've paid any particular attention to it, really. I do have one friend who's a bit Gothic, and he is really into dark tones. Although recently, his fashion sense has taken a turn for the brighter with more patterns using primary colours, and even some texture in the shirts, actually, which is nice.
M: What colour was important to you when you were a child?
R: I think I had a pretty simple grasp of colours if I'm honest. Probably just primary and secondary ones, like the national colours and those embellishing the emblems of our country.
M: Do people in your country like to wear bright colours?
R: I think they tend to be darker actually, if we consider like, for example, most tartans are on the darker end of the colour spectrum. So lots of darker tertiary colours. Then again, if you saw our family tartan, you would think the opposite.
M: What colours would you never use in your home?
R: I was thinking about this recently, actually. And I think the really bright ones like almost luminescent would make me feel ill. But most colours, most other colours would be welcome as long as they match the decor. So a mix of warm and tranquil hues would be good for wallpaper and paint, I think.
M: Do you think colours influence you?
R: Well, apparently, there's a thing called colour therapy, which is based around this theory of colours representing things to people and being able to influence your mood. So I think there is something, there is certainly something to that idea. Yes. But at the same time, it also depends on the culture because black and white represent polar opposite ideas in eastern and western cultures, for example.
M: Rory, thank you so much for your colourful answers. You're bringing colour into our lives.
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