Do you often write things? Do you prefer to write by hand or using a computer? Is your handwriting easy to read? Did you like writing things when you were a child?
Wrote down sth. (phrasal verb) - to record information on paper.
Old-school (adj.) - old-fashioned; not modern.
Typing (noun) - using a computer keyboard or a typewriter to produce documents or text.
Fine-tippedpen (noun) - a pen with a very narrow ending to write with.
Messy (adj.) - untidy.
Eligibility (noun) - the fact of having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions.
Block capitals (noun) - a style of writing in which each letter of a word is written separately and clearly using the capital letters of the alphabet.
The mists of time - used to show that something happened a very long time ago and is difficult to remember clearly.
Scribbling (noun) - a careless piece of writing or drawing.
Fully-fledged (adj.) - completely developed or trained.
Oversimplification (noun) - the action of describing or explaining something in such a simple way that it is no longer correct or true.
Insistence (noun) - an occasion when you demand something and refuse to accept opposition, or when you say firmly that something is true.
Slip off (phrasal verb) - to fall away from or off someone or something.
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Questions and answers
M: So, Rory, do you often write things?
R: I think I wrote something down just about every other day, whether it's university notes or something I need to remember in my diary, it sounds pretty old-school, but there's evidence to suggest that if you write things down, then they stick in your head longer.
M: Do you prefer to write by hand or write using a computer?
R: Oh, almost exclusively with a pen and paper. I really don't like typing, even if it can be faster and more effective in terms of storage and options to edit. It's just the way I was brought up, and it's how my head works.
M: Do you often write things with a pen?
R: Again, almost always, I can't imagine writing with a pencil these days. Possibly I would draw with one but if I'm presented with a choice, then it's got to be a pen. And ideally, a fine-tipped one at that.
M: Is your handwriting easy to read?
R: Well, I certainly like to think so. Though, if I'm ever in a rush, then sometimes it can be messy and difficult to read, but it's hardly doctor's handwriting levels of eligibility. Especially since I usually write in block capitals, for example.
M: How did you learn to write?
R: Well, I'm not sure actually. Usually, start when you're quite young. So those early days are sort of lost to the mists of time. I did read a paper though that said, there are stages where it's just nonsense of scribbling. Then words with correct endings, and then fully-fledged words. It's an oversimplification, of course, but it was probably something like that for me.
M: Did you like writing things when you were a child?
R: Not really. My teachers in primary school had this relentless insistence on accuracy and weren't exactly encouraging if you slipped off or even wrote at a slight angle. So I'd always get negative feedback on how things looked rather than the structure and content of what had been written. I love it now, though. I think I write everything.
M: Rory, thank you so much for your writing. I mean, answers.
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