R: God, could you imagine? I did yoga yesterday and it was, it was, it was a very intense experience. It always is. Because I am not flexible. They always say like, oh, you know, just appreciate this feeling.
M: Ha-ha.
R: And everything. And I'm just sitting there like, yes, this feeling is called pain. I would like to avoid it. Obviously, I appreciate. That is not the yoga experience that they want you to have. They want you to be in touch with your body. And, oh, boy, was I in touch with it.
M: Well, Rory, you should embrace pain. You see? They say, like, if you feel pain, you just like, let it just go through you, embrace it. You know? Like, breathe in, breathe out, feel it. And yeah, it just goes away.
R: I'll remind you of that the next time you complain to me about how difficult this job is. You just have to embrace the pain.
M: Yes, I have accomplished that particular life mission. So my dream job, could be your life mission. So Rory has become a teacher, a good teacher. So I've accomplished that.
R: Yes.
M: Or you can say I haven't accomplished it yet. I haven't achieved it yet. And my career goal is to be a good teacher, is to be a yoga instructor, is to pass IELTS, yeah? Move abroad.
R: Oh, I was just gonna say about the collocation it's usually accomplish a mission.
M: And also you've used a verb to reach. So you reached that life mission?
R: I didn't... Did I reach the mission? I reached a goal, you reach your goal.
M: Oh.
R: You reach a goal or an objective.
M: And you can say like, I've always wanted to become a yoga instructor. And it was quite easy for me to reach. So in your dream job, you can look for something you are good at. Work that helps people and supportive conditions. So you can say, okay, my dream job involves supporting conditions. For example, engaging work, supportive colleagues, like a fair pay, and also work that fits my personal life. My personal, I don't know, achievements or feelings. They say that these are three most important things in a dream job. Rory, would you agree? So work you're good at, work that helps people and supportive conditions.
R: I would love to believe it's that simple. And certainly, these three things are easy to remember. And they have a lot of impact. So because I can't think of any alternatives, yes, let's go with that.
M: And you can also say that the key to a good job, to my dream job is to get good at something. At something that helps people, for example. Or you can say like, oh, I'm still developing my passion. I'm still figuring it out.
R: I'm working on it.
M: I'm working on it. Like I'm developing my passion.
R: Is it a phrasal verb?
M: Oh, it's a phrasal verb.