M: Rory, do you like singing?
R: Well, if it's done by professionals like choir singers or opera singers, then I'll listen. But if we're talking about me, then absolutely not, I'm completely tone-deaf.
M: Do you often sing?
R: Not really. And if I ever do it, it will be obvious why? Because I can't really hold a tune or remember the lyrics, to be honest with you. We used to do it school, though. And it was nice when everybody harmonized.
M: Have you ever learned how to sing?
R: Not that I can recall. But if I had more time in the future for it, then I might. Oh, well, actually, that's not true. We did it at school, of course. Although to be honest with you, I was always out of tune when I did it by myself.
M: Who do you want to sing for?
R: Well, ideally, no one. But if I have to, then I'll be doing it for a private audience, and they'll have ear defenders on. I did try singing karaoke ones. But that didn't end well for anybody. It sounded like I was swinging a bag of cats around.
M: Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?
R: Well, if it's in tune, and the words are positive, and it's got, like a happy rhythm or beat to it. Something like gospel music for example.
M: When do you like to sing?
R: Well, I won't if I'm the one making that decision. I don't really like the sound of my own voice in general, let alone when I sing. I think I used to sing in the shower, but obviously, no one's able to hear that, are they?
M: What kinds of songs do you like to sing?
R: If it's a good day, then it'll be something upbeat, well, like rock music, for example. But if it's not then something gentle and calm, like, oh, like baroque music, for example.
M: Is it difficult to sing well?
R: Well, if we're talking about me, then the answer will be a definite yes. And, well, probably if we're talking in general as well. Um, singing is a skill and you have to work on it. I think opera singers spend years working on their range, don't they?
M: Do you want to be a singer?
R: If there's one thing I'll never be, it's a singer. I think my vocal cords are closer to, oh, I don't know, cheese strings rather than violin strings.
M: Thank you, Rory, for your answers! They were music to our ears!