Do you like to go to street markets? Which do you prefer markets or shopping malls? Have your shopping habits changed over the years?
Trinket (noun) - a small decorative object, or a piece of jewelry that is cheap or of low quality.
Souvenir (noun) - something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event.
To hand - near and able to be used.
To wander (verb) - to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction.
Ramshackle (adj.) - badly or untidily made and likely to break or fall down easily.
Chaotic (adj.) - confused, with no order.
To signpost (verb) - to show the direction of something on a signpost.
Come in handy - to be useful.
Layout (noun) - the way that something is arranged.
To hunt (verb) - a search for something or someone.
Ongoing (adj.) - continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment.
Window shopping - the activity of spending time looking at the goods on sale in shop windows without intending to buy any of them.
To sidetrack (verb) - to direct a person's attention away from an activity or subject towards another one that is less important.
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Questions and answers
M: Roro, Ruru, do you like to go to street markets?
R: I like it when I go on holiday like to pick up some trinkets or souvenirs for people back home. Otherwise, like a more targeted shopping experience in online stores or shops is what I prefer.
M: How often do you go to markets?z
R: Whenever I'm on holiday, and there's one to hand it's fun to go with whoever I'm with. You can find and see and even experience lots of different things.
M: Tell me about an outdoor market you've been to?
R: Well, there's one based around the high street in Wa, which is a town in the Upper West Region of Ghana. You can find just about anything there. From phones to spare parts for scooters and motorbikes. I can remember wandering around this sort of ramshackle stores in this sort of chaotic grid pattern looking for a fan and a kettle. I needed them for when I lived at the school nearby. And we found them eventually, but it took ages because nothing is well signposted there.
M: Which do you prefer markets or shopping malls?
R: Shopping malls without question. Especially now in the summer when the air conditioning comes in handy. That aside the layout, it's more logical, and it's easier to follow than the mess that usually characterizes even small markets. You really have to hunt around in them to find what you want, especially if you don't live there. And that can be a huge waste of time.
M: Do many people go to markets in your country?
R: I imagine they don't as much as they used to since there are ongoing restrictions. But under normal circumstances, it's quite common, especially if you live in or near the countryside. And sometimes they get set up in towns or cities for the people there.
M: Have your shopping habits changed over the years?
R: Well, I've always been pretty frugal, but there has been a bit more of a shift from just direct into the point shopping to enjoying the experience of window shopping. And I've turned it into more of a social experience. And I probably get sidetracked more easily as well. That's probably because I have a bit more time in my hands these days.
M: Rory, thank you very much for your answers.
R: Shall we go shopping for the vocabulary?
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