M: You can say that I can do it by hand, again. Yeah? By hand. Or I usually type it. Yeah? Or I never write anything by hand. And we write with a pen or by a pen?
R: Definitely with a pen. For sure. It's written by you, but you are writing with the pen.
M: With a pen, or with a pencil. Yeah? And, again, you might say that I usually, I enjoy making notes, I enjoy making small notes. Right? And I enjoy making entries in my diary. So to keep a diary or make entries in my diary. So our Rory has his special, like, diary, and all his life is, you know, written down there. 10 years ahead.
R: I'm really worried because everybody knows about this diary. And now everyone is probably thinking in their head, oh, I'll get Rory a new diary for Christmas. And I'm sitting here thinking, the last thing I want is to have 25 Diaries for the year 2022 to 2023. Or, sorry, 2023 even, I should say. But I know that's going to happen. I always get at least like two or three diaries every year from people. Who mean well, but like think about it, you know, clearly, I will have planned out what kind of diary I want in advance.
M: Aw... And a diary doesn't mean that you kind of write about like your thoughts there? Rory does planning, right? He writes like to-do lists. Or you write your thoughts? Like, oh, today, I felt surprised because Maria's hair was some strange colour and I told her. Do you write like this?
R: Well, something like that, but that's not the content.
M: Ah, yeah. The content, you write like the things to do, right?
R: Well, no further for that diary that I just showed there, yes. But if we talk about, for the journal that I keep, that's about my private thoughts and feelings about things.
M: Oh, okay, you have 2.
R: Well, 3. I have a teaching one. And then I have a life one and I have the private diary.
M: And it's nice to unburden yourself through writing, because they say that if you have something inside you, then sit down, take a pen and write it down, like everything, like the flow of your thoughts, write it down, and it helps you to unburden.
R: Unburden.