M: Yeah, you can also say I used to use coins, but not anymore. Passive voice. We were given one pound a week, so one pound coin. Ooh, I love those coins. They're so pretty, so nice, like a one-pound coin.
R: Pound coins? Really?
M: Yeah. They're very nice.
R: Why do you think they're so nice?
M: Because they're kind of like heavy and small, and also like thick. They're thick. I love the shape. And, Rory, what do you call these special coins they make on certain occasions? Like with the Olympic Games or...
R: Oh, commemorative coins.
M: Oh, yeah. Dear listener, you can say, oh, I hate coins, but I love commemorative coins because they are special. They usually... Some of them could be quite rare because they issue only, I don't know, like, 10 coins, or like 100 coins in the world. And kind of you get it. Oh, I have coins... The World Cup. With the World Cup.
R: You do?
M: Yeah.
R: Oh yeah. Because, of course, the World Cup was in Russia in 2018, I think?
M: Yes, yeah. So we have like, special World Cup coins. Yeah. And now, dear listener, I think you can make a coin with your face on it. Rory, would you like to have a coin with your face on it?
R: No.
M: And like saying, like, uh, Rory Duncan Fergus... And you're kind of like...
R: It's been almost five years now, and Maria still cannot say my name correctly.
M: Oh, dear listener, what a topic, coins. Well, now you know the basic vocabulary and the vocabulary for band nine. Okay? You can use synonyms. Just say coins correctly. Rory, say it again.
R: Coins.
M: Coins. Coins. Coins. It's quite difficult. You might just forget and say...
R: The word coin is also a verb. To coin a phrase.
M: Oh, really?
R: Yes. So hopefully we've given you some words to coin for your IELTS exam. Oh, yes.
M: Ooh, and can I use coin as a verb to answer questions about coins? Rory, come on, come on, we can do it.
R: I mean, you could if it was a pun.
M: Yeah, yeah, yeah. For example, like, oh, like, do you use coins?
R: I'm trying to think of a way to do it, like to make a joke on the fly, but I can't. Sorry.
M: Oh, come on, come on.
R: You can't just say come on and expect it to happen.
M: Yeah, but maybe like we can say, do you collect coins? And you say like no, I don't. I used to when I was a child. If I can coin a phrase and then say a phrase.
R: Yes, say a phrase, Maria. We're waiting. Say the phrase, Maria. Come on.
M: Okay, okay, okay, wait dear listener. Wait.
R: See? This is what it feels like.
M: Okay, okay, okay, I'm doing. I'm doing it. Quotes about coins. We need a famous quote from smart, famous people about coins. Okay? Time is the coin of life. Yeah, yeah. This is the phrase, time is the coin of life. Huh, huh? Okay, so dear listener, check it out. The examiner asks you, do you use coins in your life? Well, not much, but you know, if I can coin the phrase, time is the coin of life. Doesn't make any sense? No?
R: Please, please, don't do that.
M: Oh, it's so bad.
R: Or the examiner is just gonna execute you on the spot.
M: Yeah, dear listener, it's quite horrible. Yeah, maybe you can come up with a phrase, and maybe you can kind of use it naturally. To coin a phrase. Life is like a coin. Oh, there you go. You know? I don't normally, I never use coins in my life, but you know, if I can coin a phrase, life is like a coin, so I do have a lot of coins in my life. Oh, there you go. There you go.
R: No, I don't think so. No, banned, disallowed. No, you must stop now. If anyone can think of a more natural way to say it. Write it in the comments.
M: Oh, my god. Yeah, we can say life is like a coin. Because what do we do with a coin? We flip a coin, yeah? We just like boom. Yes or no? What do I do? We flip a coin and then we find out the answer. Yeah, dear listener. Thank you very much!
R: No, no, dear listener, do not do that. But thank you very much for listening. Bye! Crazy person...