M: What do you usually chat about with your friends? Well, about IELTS, about you, dear examiner. And here, Rory told us just about like run-of-the-mill stuff. So I usually talk about run-of-the-mill stuff.
R: Yes, but run-of-the-mill is just normal things to talk about. Most people talk about their relationships or their work with people. I think that's the two most common things. You can talk about other things but I don't think you would talk about them for very long.
M: So run-of-the-mill, ordinary, nothing special. And usually, people chat about what? About other people, relationships, friends work, their flat, their children, family. Yeah? Or you can also say, I usually talk about our mutual interests. Mutual? Interests we have together. Yeah. So Rory and I often talk about podcasts. Our podcast. So this is something that we have in common, right? Usually, we talk about something we have in common, or we discuss our mutual interests, or we gossip about people. Yeah? So we talk about other people. Or you can say I enjoy discussing my feelings with my friends, I share my experiences, like what I've been to, or what I've been up to. So I've been up to? What I've been doing. And Rory has told us like, what we've been getting up to. So we usually talk about what we've been getting up to.
R: But that's just what we've been doing.
M: Yeah, we usually talk about what we've been doing. Present Perfect Continuous. Or what we've been getting up to. You can also say we enjoy talking about what we've been up to. So what are you up to? Or what have you been up to? We enjoy discussing what we've been up to. What we've been doing. We can share it with a group of people or with one person. So here if we are going for depth. So if you have some philosophical conversations, if we are going for depth, then one-on-one experience. So one-on-one experience? You're talking to one person, right? So you can discuss things in greater depth. So in greater detail. To discuss things in great detail, or in greater depth, I prefer one-on-one experience. But if it's just chit-chatting, I can talk to a group of people. So just chit-chatting, just shooting the breeze. Communicate face to face, or communicate via social media. Rory, also, what do I say? Like I talk to people on WhatsApp? By WhatsApp? Via WhatsApp?
R: Oh, on WhatsApp, because it's the internet. So everything is on when it comes to the internet, which is funny because it's got the word in in the word internet, but it's always on the internet, on WhatsApp, on Facebook, and on Instagram.
M: So whatever app you have, I talk to people on blah. And then you name the name of this app. Application you have. Maybe you talk to people on Facebook or on Telegram, on Instagram. Could you write in the comments what social media platform are you using to talk to people? Okay? Or just like I usually chat with people on... Write in the comments. Face-to-face communication would be best if blah, blah, blah. Yeah? Or if it's just a random conversation. Random? About anything. So if it's a random conversation, social media is perfect, for example.
R: I don't know why it's perfect, to be honest with you. I wasn't really thinking when I gave that answer. But I suppose if you're talking to random people on the internet, then some distance would be good. So social media does that.
M: We can also say social media is designed for sharing memes, for sharing pictures, for random conversations, or just shooting the breeze. A casual conversation with a friend. A casual? Like is informal, is like nothing serious. So if it's a casual conversation, like casual clothes, trainers and jeans.
R: It's such a strange question, though. What would you do if you disagreed with others? I mean, surely most people would just move on from the subject and just be like, well, we don't agree about that. But okay. And then it's moving on from there.