Do you like traveling by car? What's the farthest place you've traveled to by car? When will your next car trip beam?
Motion sickness (noun) - a feeling of being ill, especially of needing to vomit, that some people get in a moving vehicle.
Room (noun) - the amount of space that someone or something needs.
Precedence (noun) - the condition of being dealt with before other things or of being considered more important than other things.
Decadent (adj.) - a decadent person or group has low moral standards.
Beam (verb) - to send out a line of light.
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Questions and answers
M: Rory, do you like traveling by car?
R: Oh, when I'm not the one doing the driving I do, especially by taxi in Moscow. I love looking at the window and enjoying the views of the city as they roll past. I'll really miss them when I have to leave actually.
M: What's the farthest place you've traveled to by car?
R: Oh, we used to travel to a village in England where one of our friends lived and that. Well, it seemed to take forever anyway, at the time. I think it was about 300 miles or something, which isn't much when you think about it, especially if you're living in Russia. But when I was a child, that seemed like a lot.
M: Do you like to sit in the front or back when you're traveling by car?
R: Oh God, even in the front if I can help it. I sometimes get motion sickness, and I like having more room for my feet. But sometimes others with more severe issues sort of take precedence. And I'm quite happy to let them do that.
M: When do you usually travel by car?
R: Oh, whenever I can. Like I said, I really love taking taxis in Moscow. It's really decadent. I know. But I love it. They get me from A to B with minimal effort.
M: When will your next car trip beam? R: That's a good question. Probably tonight after we leave the studio.
M: Thank you, Rory, for your answers!
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