M: So, dear listener, if you enjoy coffee, you can say I can't imagine my life without coffee or without tea. Or, for example, I stick with tea. I stick with coffee, like I prefer coffee or tea. Like, oh, I enjoy a nice cup of tea, a cup of tea. If you prefer tea, you can say, for example, I enjoy herbal teas. With herbs, with different like plants. For the evening. Or ginger tea. Ginger. You know? This spicy fruit. Ginger tea when I'm ill or English breakfast tea is really common. We have this Earl Grey, Earl Grey tea. Cinnamon tea. Also in summer, we prefer iced tea or jasmine green tea. Jasmine, with this, you know? What's Jasmine?
R: Isn't Jasmine... Well, it's a spice from India but is Jasmine not extremely expensive or am I thinking of saffron?
M: Saffron is expensive. Yeah, saffron is this orange thingy. Also, you can say I prefer flavoured tea. So Earl Grey is a type of flavoured tea like we have cherry tea. Tea with fruits, spices, and berries. You can say that, oh, sometimes I drink Chinese tea. Like, for example, oolong. Oolong tea. Or yellow tea, red tea, white tea. So Chinese tea. In terms of coffee, you can say espresso. I prefer latte. Right? Black coffee. Americano. How do you say Americano? Americano.
R: Americano. Well, I said black coffee in my answer. And I also talked about coffee-flavoured products and tea-flavoured products. So even if you are not totally into your tea or your coffee, you still have some general vocabulary to talk about. Well, the subject.
M: You can also say cappuccino. Yeah? Cappuccino. Or flat white, for example. Or, for example, frappe. Frappe?
R: Frappe is like iced coffee. Yeah?
M: Iced coffee. Iced coffee. Yeah. And, you know, my favourite one is Affogato.
R: What's that?
M: Have you ever heard this? Affogato?
R: I've heard of it but I don't know what it is. I've never had it.
M: So they put a scoop of ice cream. And then they pour hot espresso. And this, you know, this taste. Like ice cream and hot coffee. Amazing. Affogato, dear listener. Okay? Beautiful. It's more of a dessert than a beverage, than a drink. Oh, it's like coffee and ice cream. So a nice dessert. You can say that you drink coffee every morning or every day. I have it with my protein shake. So you have coffee and protein shakes together?
R: Yeah, I mix it together because it's efficient that way. Some people have it separately though. I've seen this.
M: So I get to wake up and I get to fuel up. So if it fuels me up, it gives me energy, right?
R: Yes, I'm fueled up right now. Because this is my, this is my second coffee of the day. I'm going to be a lot of fun to be around later.
M: You can say it's nice to stop by a coffee shop or to stop at a coffee shop to have a coffee. Your favourite latte with coconut milk.
R: Yes.