Do you often laugh? When was the last time you laughed? Do you like watching funny TV programs? What kinds of things make you laugh?
To crack a joke (phrase) — to tell a joke.
To crack up (phrasal verb) — to suddenly laugh a lot at something.
To take the edge of smth (phrase) — to make a strong feeling less strong.
Vulgar (adj.) — a vulgar joke, comment, action etc has a meaning that is considered to be rude or offensive.
Deadpan humor (noun) — a style of humour, also known as dry humour. It involves saying something funny, but not changing ones facial expressions or emotions.
To get a kick out of smth (phrase) — to get a sense of enjoyment, amusement, or excitement from someone or something.
Bond (noun) — A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them.
Camaraderie (adj.) — is a feeling of trust and friendship among a group of people who have usually known each other for a long time or gone through some kind of experience together.
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Questions and answers
Maria: Rory do you often laugh?
Rory: Yeah, I think I laugh every day! I either crack a joke or someone makes me laugh.
Maria: When was the last time you laughed?
Rory: Probably today, but the memory that comes to mind most easily is, on Sunday I was on the phone with my friend Rob and we tell inappropriate jokes and make each other laugh.
Maria: Do you like watching funny TV programs?
Rory: Yeah, I love them. I think they really take the edge of reality. I think… I don’t know what my favorite one is. I quite like American dad and Archer, for example.
Maria: What about live comedy shows?
Rory: I can watch them for sure, but most of the shows that I watch on TV or animated ones.
Maria: Stand-up?
Rory: I like stand-up comedy, yeah. But again, like I say, most of the viewing that I do is of animated comedy shows.
Maria: What kinds of things make you laugh?
Rory: I like dark humor and sarcasmand probably jokes that are a bit vulgar and inappropriate as well. But, you know, there are some things that make me laugh as well that don’t usually, like dad jokes, for example, or deadpan humor. I quite like that.
Maria: Do you like making other people laugh?
Rory: Well, I think everybody likes to make people feel good. And I do get a kick out of it sometimes when I’m well… Not sometimes. All the time when I make people laugh! Because it’s nice to see people smiling and everybody feels great when they all have a laugh together.
Maria: Do you think it’s important for friends to laugh together?
Rory: Yeah, absolutely. It builds bonds between people and I suppose it builds up a sense of camaraderie as well when you… When you’re having fun together and when you’re laughing. It’s not so nice when you’re laughing at people.
Maria: Why not?
Rory: Well, if you’re laughing at people in your friendship group, then it makes them feel uncomfortable. Probably unless they’re in on the joke, too. But more broadly… And everybody does it, so if you do this, don’t feel bad. It’s just something that you probably shouldn’t do. But if you’re laughing at other people, even if they don’t know you’re doing, it’s probably not a very nice thing to do.
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